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Tummy Tuck  | Body Contouring  | Liposculpture  | Bodylift  | Armlift  | Thighlift

Abdominoplasty-Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a ‘tummy tuck’ is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen with or without tightening the underlying abdominal wall muscles. The aim of the operation is to reduce and improve the contour of the tummy.

Those most suited include healthy men and women who have excess skin and fat on their abdomen which are resistant to diet and exercise, women post pregnancy who have stretched skin and abdominal muscles which don’t return to their pre-pregnancy state, and people, who have undergone dramatic weight reductions and have excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles.

Body Contouring

After major weight loss, whether through dieting or bariatric surgery, patients can be left with excessive loose skin that can be troublesome. Typically affected areas include: Upper arms with loose, sagging skin; Breasts flatten and lose shape; Abdomen with redundant skin that may extend around the sides and lower back; the groin and thighs.

Body contouring surgery involves various techniques to recontour the underlying tissues and remove excess skin.


Liposuction is a procedure that sculpts the body by removing unwanted deposits of fat from parts of the body with relatively little scarring. Individuals most suitable for liposuction are otherwise fit and healthy people with good quality, elastic skin and loose fat deposits in areas such as the hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, knees and upper arm which are resistant to diet, exercise and weight loss. Liposuction is not a method for weight loss but rather a tool to assist with stubborn areas.

Body Lift

This procedure removes large folds of skin and fat from the body from various locations: lower abdomen, hips, outer upper thighs, upper buttocks. The location and extent of surgery is determined by the patient and the surgeon after consultation and examination. This may be performed as a staged procedure or in combination with other contouring procedures. The surgery aims to remove large amounts of skin and fat to lift and tighten the buttocks and thighs. Liposuction may be used in addition to help improve the contour of the treated areas.

Brachioplasty-Arm Lift

Brachioplasty reduces excessive skin and fat which hangs from the upper arm. The amount removed is determined by the degree of laxity. The scar generally runs from the armpit to the elbow on the inner aspect of the arm, positioned so that the scar is not visible when the arm is held against the body.

Thighplasty-Thigh Lift

Thighplasty removes the excess fold of skin and fat from the inner thigh area. The scar usually runs along the inner groin and may extend down the inside of the thigh. The procedure is frequently combined with liposuction for the best contour result.